GREENVIEW MADANI CENTER Uncategorized Bathroom/Deck Expansion Project

Bathroom/Deck Expansion Project

Bathroom/Deck Expansion Project post thumbnail image

We are increasing the number of bathrooms by 6 for both brothers and sisters, 1 shower and 2 wudu areas full weatherize estimated to be $22,500 conservatively. Total square footage addition will be 460. Finish the sister deck/porch area will need additional $3,500. This project needs to be completed ASAP. Please donate towards this project.

We urge you to ACT NOW while you are reading this and CONTRIBUTE, again no $ amount is too small, and please forward this link to your friends and relatives and urge them to send in a contribution.

Please mail your Tax Deductible Donation by mailing check/s to:

Greenview Madani Center
3455 Greenview Dr
Lawrenceville, GA 30044

Pictures of Work in Progress:

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